DISCOS FOXY ROXY : : Daughter of Canadian Cutting Legend, Hotrodder Disco****SOLD****

DISCOS FOXY ROXY 1996 BROWN AQHA MARE "Foxy" is an amazing producer. All of her babies come out the same......huge hips, great substance, gorgeous-gorgeous-gorgeous and cow sense to no end with a pedigree chalk full of talent. "Foxy" was fortunate to have some cutting training before becoming a broodmare. We started off with our "Foxy" … [Read more...]

MILLION DOLLAR DECOY : : Granddaughter of Canadian Supreme Sire, Major Rene*SOLD*

MILLION DOLLAR DECOY 2005 BAY AQHA MARE UNSHOWN DUE TO INJURY"Chrissy" was purchased as one of our ranch horse prospects. An injury sustained as a yearling has kept her from being used under saddle. She's one of our bigger mares, with both height and substance. We have our eye on her as one of our premier ranch and rodeo horse producers. Her 2012 … [Read more...]