Bob Cat Rio : : Daughter of NCHA Champion Bobs Hickory Rio, out of a daughter of Highbrow Cat

2010 Sorrel AQHA Mare

Daughter of 2005 NCHA World Champion Bobs Hickory Rio

From the time I saw a video of Bobs Hickory Rio in action, I knew he was something special and I was in awe….and I knew someday that I just had to have one. We are just thrilled to add this charismatic little gal to our herd. Not only is she sired by an NCHA World Champion, but her dam is a money earning (and soon to be producing) daughter of the legendary High Brow Cat ~ anyone would agree that this filly is bred to the nines.

This is Sabrina’s personal saddle horse and will not be offered for sale, when we decide to breed her, offspring will be available.

Bob Acre Doc
Bobs Hickory Rio
Gay Hickory Rio
High Brow Cat
Cats O Lady
Stylish O Lady

BOBS HICKORY RIO-2005 NCHA World Champion, NCHA LTE $148 209, producer of NCHA money earners in excess of $247 000. An up and coming junior sire!
BOB ACRE DOC-NCHA LTE $381 000+, NCHA Hall Of Fame, producer of NCHA offspring earnings in excess of $4.5 million. Producer of NRHA offspring earnings $30 000+, world and reserve world champion offspring in NCHA and NRHA.
GAY HICKORY RIO NCHA LTE $3943, dam of one foal; Bobs Hickory Rio.


CATS O LADY-NCHA LTE $225. Her first foal is a 2009 gelding by Bobs Hickory Rio and he’s heading to the show pen in 2012.
HIGH BROW CAT-NCHA LTE $110 000+, offspring NCHA LTE $49.5 million. A living legend and all-time leading sire of cutting horses.
STYLISH O LADY-Offspring NCHA LTE $17 200+, daughter of Docs Stylish Oak X Lenas O Lady making her a maternal half sister to the up and coming cutting horse stallion, Auspicious Cat.
DOCS STYLISH OAK-NCHA LTE $65,900+, sire of world champions, offspring NRHA LTE $5000+, offspring NCHA LTE $2.1 million.
LENAS O LADY-NCHA LTE $89,600+, producer of AQHA performance point earners, offspring NRHA LTE $10 500+, offspring NRCHA LTE $12 100+, offspring NCHA LTE $228 600+, including up and coming cutting horse stallion Auspicious Cat.

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