CRR LITTLE LUVRGIRL : : Playboys Luv Chics daughter

CRR Little LuvrGirl April 21, 2012 Sorrel AQHA FillyN/N for HERDA, PSSM, MH, GBED, HYPP We absolutely adored the mare Some Do Little, it was a sad day at the ranch when we laid her to rest but she lives on in this daughter. CRR Little Luvr Girl "Luvie" was born and raised here. She was started under saddle and hauled around a bit to get her out … [Read more...]

CRR SONITA REYOLENA : : Home raised grandaughter of NCHA Champion Sonita’s Last

CRR Sonita Reyolena May 17, 2010 Sorrel AQHA Filly HERDA N/Hrd, PSSM1 N/N, GBED N/N, MH N/N, HYPP N/N This is one we can be proud of! We feel very fortunate to have gotten this gorgeous filly out of this cross. With SONITAS LAST on the top of her pedigree and DOC O'LENA, PEPPY SAN and MAJOR BONANZA on the bottom, she is going to make a … [Read more...]