CRR SNACKS OLENA : : Daughter of Mr Versatility – Snackbox Dually

May 16, 2020 Bay AQHA Mare N/Hrd, N/N PSSM, N/N GBED, N/N MH, N/N HYPP We love the amazing minds and versatility of Snackbox Dually/Nic O Lena Bar foals. Together, they have produced CRR Snack Bar, a futurity money earning CMSA mounted shooter who is also a dressage horse. CRR Snackolena has now earned over $30,000 in roping. CRR … [Read more...]

CRR LenasPacknSnacks *SOLD*

CRR LenasPacknSnacks May 11, 2019 Bay AQHA Stallion Check this colt out!!! Fancy, fancy, fancy with a pedigree to back him. Check out the names on the papers: SNACKBOX DUALLY, SNACKBOX, HAIDAS LITTLE PEP, DUAL PEP, DOX WARBLER and DOC O'LENA.His sire Snackbox Dually is proving to be a super versatile stallion having competed and won money … [Read more...]

**SOLD**CRR Play Cowboy Rey

CRR Play Cowboy Rey May 10, 2017 Sorrel AQHA ColtThere are Playboys Luv Chic offspring working on ranches and are showing in ranch horse and cow horse events, and the oldest are competing in the barrel pen...and in dressage as well! There have been many Sonitas Reyson offspring in the ranch horse, rodeo and barrel arenas and his daughters are noted … [Read more...]

Boon Go Da Dynamite*SOLD*

Boon Go Da Dynamite**SOLD** July 2016 Sorrel AQHA MareBoon Go Da Dynamite "Lil Lady" is an absolutely gorgeous sorrel mare, chromed up just right, built to be a champ...and check out that pedigree!  Elans Playboy, Freckles Playboy, Cowgirls Are Smart, Smart Chic Olena, Peptoboonsmal and Boon Bar ON the papers!  This gal is dang sure bred to watch a … [Read more...]

2017 AQHA Foals

Check out the 2017 AQHA foals we are looking forward to this spring! We decided to keep a few mares open for 2017 and will rebreed for 2018, hence the smaller listing of expected 2017 AQHA foals. Please contact us to put a deposit on any foals in utero. Check out all of the Coyote Ridge mares for detailed pedigree info. Foals sired by … [Read more...]

Dualcatty *SOLD*

Dualcatty April 2016 Sorrel AQHA Mare Duals Blue Bet x Cats O LadyLooking for your next cutting or cowhorse prospect? Meet miss Dualcatty! Earners and producers all over her papers and no holes in her pedigree! This smart looking filly is super correct and is sure to live up to her 'heritage'. Duals Blue Bet won almost $4,000 NCHA and is a Canadian … [Read more...]

CRR Little Luvr Boy*SOLD*

CRR Little Luvr Boy (Pending) May 17, 2013 Sorrel AQHA Colt "Dooey" and "Cowboy" have done it again--this cross just keeps on getting better! This is a super sweet colt, great mind, put up right, absolutely adores people and has been showing us some cool moves in the pasture. His dam was a money earner and youth point earner in the reining pen … [Read more...]

CRR Playboy Bar*SOLD*

CRR Playboy Bar May 8, 2013 Sorrel AQHA colt "Nicolenabar" never fails to produce a nice strong, correct and good minded baby. This guy is no different. Look to him for your next arena and/or ranch prospect. Playboys Luv Chics comes from a long line of performing and producing cutters, reiners and cowhorses. Nic O Lena Bar's sire Dox Warbler (x Doc … [Read more...]

CRR Chics Luv Disco****SOLD****

CRR Chics Luv Disco May 21, 2012 Sorrel AQHA Filly We always look forward to the "Foxy" babies! She has always produced "the pick of the litter" with a strong and big hipped baby, this filly is no different. With champion and hall of fame performance horses all over her pedigree, let her take you to the show pen before breeding up some babies … [Read more...]

CRR Luvin Da Moolah *SOLD*

CRR Luvin Da Moolah May 22, 2012 Bay AQHA Gelding**UPDATE** Sarah is offering this gelding up for sale. Experienced feedlot and pasture gelding, sort, rope, brand, team doctor, tie off, take him to town and show him. This guy has done it all, money earned in club cow horse shows, ranch horse shows and AQHA performance point earner! This is the … [Read more...]